Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | monitor | plant | trade name | window OCR: XDESK Settings HotComers StartUp Memory cleaner Ouick view Tasks Advanced General Load Save AppB ar Mouse Mouse- scrolling Mouse knocking XDESK maintains for each user some Auto peo S ave Settings keys into the registry some of them are ALLWAYS saved [like this here iAuto Load Desktop which aJe fq NO default] iSettings However some other settings can be selectively controlled so that for instance Auto S ave Desktop when you no Ionger want to permanently Settings modifu HotK eys you can simply the corre: sponding Auto Save "Desktop Settings" group controls general Auto Load Rules settings number of desktops desktop names pue colors wallpaper pattern [but without Auto S ave Rules Hotk eys] The "Rules" group controls permanent Auto Load I HotKeys rule auto-saving auto Hoading The "HotK eys" g ...